Monomaterial is a material that consists of a single type of plastic. It is an alternative to multi-layer plastics, which are often difficult to recycle and have a negative impact on the environment. Monomaterials can be recycled and reused more efficiently, making it a more sustainable solution.
Monomaterials are not only more environmentally friendly, but are also more cost-effective than multi-layer plastics. As only one type of plastic is used, it is also easier to produce and recycle monomaterials.
Traditional packaging that contains several different types of materials is often difficult to recycle or dispose of properly. Single-material packaging, made from a single type of plastic, can be more recyclable and reduce the amount of plastic waste in the environment.
By using mono-material, we make it easier to recycle packaging. The material flow becomes more streamlined and can be part of a more efficient recycling process. This helps to reduce the need for new production of raw materials.